Our Home

Our Home
We purchased this 1920's-ish farmhouse on March 16th, 2012 and began our DIY makeover

Monday, May 14, 2012

It has been quite a while since I have posted and our life has been full of changes.  First off, we moved into the mobile home on the property.  As we got further into redoing the main house we realized that we wanted more time to do the kind of job that the house really needs and paying rent and mortgage for another month or two seemed silly.  Also, now that we are on the property we don't have to go home for naptime and bed time and try to keep the kids on some sort of schedule, which makes finding time to work on the house much easier.

Having said all of that... Having six people in about 700 square feet has been quite the adventure.  We are definitely learning to be close to one another and how much stuff we have that we really don't need. 

We moved in officially on April 21st.  We spent the middle part of April prepping the mobile, painting the master in the main house and packing.  After we moved in here, we spent the next week getting all our stuff into storage cleaning the house we had rented for the next renters.  Then Matt had to leave for a week on business, so the kids and I were on our own getting settled in. 

There are two important things that came out of that week:  First, I am no longer scarred to be alone out here.  Having the buildings full and people around has cured that, thank God!  I was a little nervous about being here on our own for the week, but we did great.  Now, lets be real...  I don't walk around this place after dark without the lights on, but I haven't ever done that anywhere, so while there have been no miraculous changes in my personality, I am really feeling at home here.

The second thing that is important to note is that I have decided this mobile home will never be clean, picked up, or have a place for all of our belongings.  I have to get over my compulsive need for everything to be in it's place and just get to work on the main house so we can move in.  My children's playroom will be organized when it is a play room and not their bedroom.  Our clothes will all be put away when there are places to put them and our home office will be tidy when it is only an office and not the master bedroom.  This is an exercise in overcoming OCD and I am going to embrace it and use it as motivation.  (Anyone who knows me well is snickering right now.  I hate being in a cluttered environment, but the good news is that I am finding myself spending lots of time outdoors!)

So, we are moved in and honestly, we are loving it.  Tonight Matt and I were talking after the kids were in bed and Matt said, "Who would have thought a 700 square foot mobile would be my dream home!"

We are so truly blessed.

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