Our Home

Our Home
We purchased this 1920's-ish farmhouse on March 16th, 2012 and began our DIY makeover

Saturday, March 17, 2012

It begins...

We officially own our farmhouse and 13 acres!!!  We recorded yesterday and I started pulling up carpets.  The hardest part of the day was when my husband, Matt, told me I needed to wait to start tearing things apart until the place was OFFICIALLY ours.  You see, the lady we bought from gave us the keys at escrow signing the previous afternoon.  Yes, we did signing the old-fashioned way…  All of us sat around a table face to face.  It was pretty appropriate…  Our biggest motivator for embarking on this journey is to get back to the way things used to be done.  We want our kids to learn the value of hard work, knowledge of utilizing the land, appreciate God’s creation, and so many of the things that often get lost in the rush of life.

So, back to waiting and keys…  Since the previous owner, we’ll call her L, gave us keys, I could get into the house.  I had big plans of pulling up carpet and tearing down wall paper until Matt told me to “respect the process” and wait for word the place was officially ours.  Yeck!  I’m not known for my patience, especially when there is work to be done.  But I am working on respecting my husband, and he did have a point.  I figured it would be okay.  It was supposed to record first thing in the morning and I needed to make calls to get all the utilities in our name anyway.  It would probably be done before I could even make it out to the property…or not.

So I decided to spend some time exploring…  The property has the old farmhouse, 3 sheds, a garage with work shop and a mobile home on it, all in less than a football field-sized area of land.  I thought I would open everything up and take a look around.  L had moved into assisted care after her 60 years on the land and I knew they had left behind a few things they thought we might like…  I smelled a treasure hunt.

I will have to post some pics for you to see.  It was amazing!  Cool things abounded!  Antique woodstoves, cast iron and porceline pots, steel wash tubs, a very cool antique bird cage, and more antique tools than I can describe.  I was so excited by the time I got done, I had to show somebody, anybody!  So I started calling and texting people to come by and take a look.  That got me to about 11:30… Still no word.

Then a friend came by and after showing her all I had discovered we sat in the floor and I tried to convince her it would be okay to start working… Matt would never know.  She held me down and distracted me with talk of “The Hunger Games”, a trilogy we both read recently but had never had the opportunity to discuss (and those books warrant some serious discussion)…  That got me to 12:30…Still no word.
Then another friend stopped by, shortly followed by my mother and her friend.  I showed them all around and then sat and talked to the friend while she nursed her rather hungry 3 week old son.  That got me to 2:30…Still no word.

Then the garbage yard I had ordered was delivered.  3:00.  (Odd that all utilities are in my name and I just had a garbage yard delivered, but I don’t technically own the place!)  People, I was dying here!!!  Every bone in my body ached to get started on my project.  I broke down and called the realtor.  I hate being the pushy lady, but I was desparate!  Still no word of recording…

Then at 3:15 it happened!  I got the call and we were OFFICIALLY home owners!!!!  I didn’t even take the time to let my husband know.  I went to the diningroom and started pulling off baseboards.  I needed to know if there was hardwood underneath the carpet…There wasn’t.  Orange carpet over (I promise, I’m not lying) sparkly rainbow linoleum.  But the subfloors were in pretty good condition.  Overall, not a bad find.  Hardwood can be pretty pricey to refinish, so I think God new we don’t have the cash right now….Sigh.  I snapped a pic and texted it to my husband right after a text saying we had recorded.  (I needed to make sure it was in the right order.  After all, I did wait like he had asked…I needed credit for that!)

(It's a little hard to see here, but this is the linoleum under the carpet.  I swear it is gold flecked (think sparkles) and rainbow colored.  It's only saving grace was how easy it was to pull up.  I guess the glue has pretty much disolved by now...

And so began our homeownership.  Me very impatiently waiting and then tearing things out at the word go.  Tomorrow I’ll tell you all about how I ended up calling my husband in a panic to come rescue the kids and I…

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