Our Home

Our Home
We purchased this 1920's-ish farmhouse on March 16th, 2012 and began our DIY makeover

Thursday, March 22, 2012

My Treasure Hunt Finds

Remember the treasure hunt I went on Friday while I waited for official word our purchase had recorded?  Well, yesterday I took a friend around to show her a few of my finds and took some pictures along the way to share with you.  I know it is all dirty and in need of some TLC, but I have big plans for each of these items.  I'll have to share pics as I finish each little project, but for now they will remain as they are...  I have bigger fish to fry first!

 Old tin wash basin.

 Old door with glass panes and crystal knob still intact.

 Sorry for the blurry photo... I took these with my iPhone...
Dresser needs to be refinished, but in great condition structurally.

 Nice cabinet found in mobile home bathroom.

 There ar probably 20 of these old oil cans that have been cut to create storage bins.  What a cool idea...and I am sure I can use them somewhere...

 Shelves in garage filled with hardware, junk and treasures.

 This old woodstove is hooked up and complete with chimney to heat garage.  It just needs a little TLC and some backing to protect the wall and my new shop has a heat source!

 This old stove is in desperate need of TLC as well, but image it cleaned up.  To sell or use somewhere???

 I don't know exact terms for this find, but it is an old tin (I think) pot with a porcelin (I think) coating. 

 No, I'm not planning on adding birds to our list of pets (pretty short so far, just 2 dogs), but imagine this with a plant inside...

 Close up of the birdcage.

Wall of old tools.  It has been a long family tradition to find old tools and bring them to my Grandfather when we couldn't figure out what they were used for.  I don't think any of us ever actually found one he didn't have an answer for....  So wish he was still with us today to solve a few mystery finds from this location!

 This is an old stereo cabinet with the record turn table still in it.  I'm not sure what exactly to do with it yet, but it is pretty cool.

 I have no idea what this was originally, but I am relatively confident that I can make a nice candle lantern out of it.

 Ignore the junk on top...Check out this awesome metal wagon! 

 On the right is a hand planer and on the left is what I am thinking was one of the first rotary (skill saw type) saw designs.  There is a spot to attach a drill which will then spin the blade.  How cool is that!

 A not-quite-finished or slightly broken birdhouse.

 Okay, on top may be the world's oldest air conditioner, but you can see the old wooden wagon it is sitting on....  Oh the possiblities with that beauty!

I know it is hard to see, but up in the rafters is some type of seat.  I think it may have been a wagon seat at some point.  So, will it become a shelf, or a porch swing???  I'll keep you posted...

1 comment:

  1. I am really enjoying reading and seeing all the finds at your new home. I am sure it is so exciting for both of you. Can't wait to see the next update on this beautiful home you are remodeling. I know it will be beautiful. I really love all the antiques you have found and anxious to see just what you do with them. You seem to have some great ideas with you want to do with them. Someday I would love to get around to visiting with you guys and seeing the results of all you hard work. Keep up the post, and all your hard work.

    An Old relative,

    Arlene Holman
